It’s strips like these that solidify The Kichels as frum social commentary at its finest
The more she spoke, the quieter Dovid got, until she could hear the clink of his mug on the table between sentences
Gabe has spent a lifetime dodging conflict, and he isn’t about to change that now
Concerns about Biden’s cognitive decline should be of utmost importance, but does it have to come in a package of degrading human dignity?
Everyone needs a Rebbe, a mentor, a guide — someone who can give him frank and honest advice
I’m happy to see that there’s no laundry in the background of these clips
Diaper cream, cribs, bottles, and all your baby questions answered
Walther Rathenau grew up with aspirations of assimilation for German Jewry
Chazal in Pirkei Avos warn against the dangers of boredom, and how it can bring a person down
Bracha rubbed a hand over her eyes. “Pretending that everything is normal is the only thing that keeps me sane”
“Rabbi, something happened before the kevurah, and it’s giving me no rest”