“What am I going to do without you, Ayala?” She said it with a laugh, but Ayala jumped at the opening
I get it. It’s a vice that doesn’t tempt most adults, so we get to feel virtuous
In Tzfas, the war looms in every silence
Tehillim must be read not only with the heart, but also with the mind
This is a story about life. Your life. My life. And my son’s legacy
What was up with Ayala’s negativity? She literally sounded like she didn’t even like her husband of one month
Russia’s recruitment efforts are getting increasingly desperate
Can it be any wonder that so many Americans have lost faith in their democracy?
Hashem has the power to transform any situation — no matter how difficult — into a source of great blessing
In a world fueled by sheker, Shabbos brings a taste of undiluted truth
There is little that Penina wants to do less than make small talk with Gabe Cohen