Rabbi Sivitz was considered one of the leading Russian rabbanim in America
For chassidic techie Chaim Landau, uploading chareidi tech power is win-win
I’m learning to look past the grime, the tattered clothes, the strangeness, and the fleas (although that last one isn’t easy)
Full of healthy fats and protein and sweetened with fibrous whole dates, this decadent, real-deal-feel dessert is richly satisfying without causing a blood sugar spike and crash
“To regain trust, the one who did the hurting must demonstrate how much the relationship means to him by changing his behavior”
Sivan Rahav-Meir finds common ground wherever she lands
Silky smooth and perfectly sweet, adding white chocolate to baked goods and confections brings dessert to an entirely new level
Everyone’s downing water as if there’s an imminent drought
“You would never miss your sister’s wedding for your boss’s wedding; you cannot miss your best friend’s wedding either”
We fall into the arms of the One Who understands us best
Would we — given the same set of circumstances — transgress to a similar, morally bankrupt degree?