What weighed most on Bibi's mind wasn’t the fallout from his visits to Washington and Florida, but rather coalition maintenance
As we find ourselves in the saddest time of the Jewish year when music is off-limits, some frum listeners turn to a cappella
In my years of advising couples how to effectively communicate criticism, I have developed four guidelines
Ben Sasse’s surprise announcement that he is stepping down as president of the University of Florida
“The hardest person to convince of your real value and realistic income goals is… not your boss. It’s you”
“Maaaaa. We’re not moving to Boston. Just, you know, Yonah’s parents are moving on and people got kind of carried away”
She heard Naftali’s voice in her head, from last night: Are you sure this is such a wise decision? And Bracha’s snort: Just what you need, another full-time job
“Please keep in mind that dan l’chaf zechus relates to parents as well”
I cried and asked Hashem why He had to make these simple things such a hassle
Modim offers us the most genuine, all-inclusive, and sincere version of Thank You, Hashem
“I feel guilty that I can’t be giving the people the proper chizuk they came for”