Sure enough, Suri is spitting mad. “Is it true?” she demands. “Are you skipping out on the anniversary getaway?”
Is this what happens when one Jew feels endangered by his brother’s very identity? Is this what the air felt like before the Churban?
I’m wondering if this is going to be my second time calling 911 from the ER
As the standoff in the north enters a dangerous new phase, tension reigns as the two sides weigh their next moves
True tales from the corners of our world
Four stories that highlight the devastating effect of lashon hara
What happened to Trump’s Big Mo, and will the Harris Big Mo slow down?
All I can think is... Should I have done anything differently?
Right-wing media star Yinon Magal is the face of a back-to-tradition resurgence
Harris’s behavior will weaken both the US and Israel if she wins the November election
Four centuries later, Jewish life in Vienna is coming full circle