The shomer Shabbos is able to look at the life they have been blessed with and say, “It’s a beautiful world!”
That is the symbolism of a mizbeiach. It takes one stone after another to reach the point of the actual service
Mishpacha contributors share accounts of those special summers disconnected from the grind
In honor of Rosh Chodesh Elul... an exploration of the yeshivah — past and present, form and function, haven and home
“Yes” is the real magic word
Hillel reports a 700 percent leap in anti-Semitic incidents since October 7
Polling is too tight for this debate to not matter. Whoever makes a big error, whether on policy, style, or personality, will lose
“Seeing such tangible results — a beautifully laid out magazine that I helped create — makes me proud”
I was proud of my husband’s growth. Now I’m resentful
How to recalibrate when one spouse feels like they’re doing too much
Which popular remedies live up to their promise — and which don’t