I’d planned to do it. I really had. Every evening, I’d promised myself to sit down and do it. But something always distracted me

“They say you talk a lot.” Ouch. I thought I was just being friendly

Avraham looked and did not turn into a pillar of salt. She should not have looked. He did look. And he survived

The vast majority of effort in any successful endeavor is done behind the scenes

“When I went to people for Shabbos, they showed me something completely different from my mom’s version”

“There are few as brave as Rabbi Lopiansky. May he continue to supply us with true Torah thoughts. We are fortunate to have him”

In what world were his actions okay? How could he not see the situation as clearly as she did?

Rabbi E. was flabbergasted. He hadn’t known this student wasn’t keeping Shabbos regularly

Rabbi Odesser never explained why he had kept the petek secret for so many decades

“In most cases, the contractor is the one responsible for anything that goes wrong with the home as long as it is under warranty”

Rabbi Shloime Taussig’s second EP collection, 5 KOLOS #2, hit the shelves and the streaming platforms on Rosh Chodesh Elul