This week, we’ll tackle three questions about how to approach Rosh Hashanah
With its rich Jewish history and an infinitesimally small Jewish presence, Iraq beckoned to Moshe Klein
My heart started to pound as Bobby looked at me searchingly and said in a broken voice, “Did you hear the news?”
Is sheltering kids the ideal — or misguided? Ten women share their take
“Rivi asked me to come. She wants this done as quickly as possible”
When we reject our connection to Torah and Hashem, we are a non-people
And just like that, she took a step onto the bridge he’d made with his gentle question
“Maybe it’s time to stop bashing the seminaries (especially if we’re going to send our girls to them anyway)”
At no time in the year is the need for awareness of one’s own unique self more crucial than as we approach the Yom Hadin
“Ahh, the life of a frum woman. The needs of everyone around us are pressing and relentless”
“Who and what gets prioritized? As a parent, your first responsibility is to your child”