For Rabbi Alan Plancey, the crown on his kehillah, one of the fastest-growing Orthodox communities in the UK, tops any royal welcome
The Race to the WH forecast gives the GOP a 58% chance of transforming Senate blue into red
“It is not up to you to finish the job... but neither are you free to disengage from it”
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of livelihood
Remember: You can’t know what you don’t even know you don’t know
I love this chicken because the flavor profile is fantastic, and also because it’s so versatile
Children with low bone density can take part in games and any activities that don’t put stress on their bones
The focus here is not on the mitzvah of giving, but on what giving can do for you
“Yudi,” he gasps out. He can’t find Yudi when he reaches for him. Everything around him is fire and black smoke, acrid and deadly
A lack of teamwork in a relationship is harmful
There is so much that she does not know. Who and how and where Papa is buried. How she came to Tzfat. Who brought her here to Yannai’s home