An amazing true story that shows how important it is to ask for mechilah
A mesorah from the Brisker Rav that any extra time on Yom Kippur should be devoted to saying Tehillim
He wasn’t sure what he had done today to annoy Libby, but it was very possible the answer was “breathing”
Put differently, true mesirus nefesh is not self-reduction; it is self-expansion, an opportunity to push oneself beyond the limits one assumes for oneself.
Three women share how they cried out to Him… and felt His presence
“So… the boy I thought I killed because of my creation survived after all.” Shabsi stared at Sylvester
His compositions — youthful and earnest, sincere but not overly-intense — were perfectly suited to the young voices of a boys’ choir
You have the starch and salad together in one, and now everyone will be happy.