Operation Days of Repentance — the first open Israeli attack on Iranian soil — changed the rules of the game in the Middle East
“Yes, calling means a lot more — but don’t let that stop you from sending a text if that’s the best you can do!”
Madeleine Isenberg deciphers old matzeivos and connects people with their ancestors and family history
A light bulb lit up in my mind. My daughter was exactly like me. If she had ADHD, did that mean I did, too?
“There was a categorical directive from the Biden administration to avoid attacking oil and nuclear facilities”
There is precedent for a departing US administration shoving Israel under the bus in its waning days
Minsk enjoyed a rich history of Jewish life, yeshivos, and batei medrash, along with a slew of prominent rabbinical leaders
How far would you travel to save on medical care?
I was almost angry. You’re a human being, for goodness’ sake! No one looks like this after having a crazy morning!
She swept her head back defiantly and motioned to the other grandmother. Together they left the NICU
I’m trapped between my husband’s limitations and my friend’s needs