The losses are real and the pain is intense, but nothing that is ultimately bad can happen on Shemini Atzeres
I’m continuously astonished by how much less of a big deal this switch has been than I thought it would be
He fell asleep to the tune of “I’m disappointed in you,” with a resounding chorus of “You’re creating a rift in the family”
Thank you, Mr. President
Arrangements were quickly made to reopen the beis medrash of Camp Oraysa, welcoming the Mir talmidim
“Some people can’t bring themselves to see a photo of cars on fire? Or of a bombed-out house? Really, is that too much to ask of you?”
A sefer named Yonas Eilem, written by Rav Yonah Karpilov, also known as Rav Yonah Minsker
Israel's displaced Jews wait to go back home
Unfortunately, Nellie had forgotten exactly how big the Mendelson backyard was