An inside look into the life and background of a gadol was an offer we couldn’t refuse
In 1806 Napoleon called for an assembly of Jewish leaders to form what he referred to as a “Sanhedrin”
Keeping one’s lips firmly closed has a dampening effect on emergency chemistry
I’m always happier after I exercise, and full of energy, too. The trick is to find ways to exercise that are also fun
“Let’s be gentle with one another. Everyone else is attacking us. We don’t need to attack each other”
After the DC rally, what’s next?
Faith in Israel’s political leadership is flagging. Emunah in our Father in Heaven, on the other hand, is holding up fine
Singing for a people in pain, Yaakov Shwekey got more than he gave
“Dad, when you jumped from airplanes, was it scary? Were you afraid?”
But of course, they didn’t know. They didn’t believe. And they didn’t leave
In the bitterness of the Urals, Savta always sought sweetness