“I always knew you were incredible,” Bracha said. “But until I saw it today, I didn’t quite understand how incredible you are”
Lachmagine are mini meat pizzas, and they’re hearty, with a rich flavor combination
Let’s get something out of the way first: No third-party candidate is going to become president of the United States
Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettil was on my mind and in my tefillos six days a week for all these years.
Gavi was homeless. Could we take him in?
Line by line, page by page, day by day, these men keep reviewing their learning — and we’ve been recording their progress, literally from the get-go
In the alleys of Jenin and beyond, terrorists can never be sure who’s signing their death warrant
His dream, however, was to establish a yeshivah in Tel Aviv
I discovered two significant patterns regarding the women who were “skipped”
This dish is essentially sloppy joes with a twist
A rabbinical court that finds suitable compromises is to be commended