“For whatever it’s worth, my respect for you and other baalei teshuvah (and geirim) is exceedingly great. I’m in awe of your sacrifice”
Something not too complex, yet flavorful enough to be special
Gantz leads in polls, but he still needs Bibi
$1,000 used to take you much further than it does today
Saving Israeli expats from spiritual oblivion
Dini did not voice the words that were screaming inside. Why not me? Why wasn’t I good enough for this position?
A deeper insight into the depth and significance of the joy of Adar
One of the historical curiosities of the mussar movement was the tendency of its tzaddikim to travel
At least I still have the notebooks. And I’m not taking any chances; they’re here in my knapsack with me
Leaders in the creative industry weigh in
They were Rebbe and Rebbetzin. They were father and mother. They were king and queen