The key to this recipe is the key to almost all roasted veggies: hot oven, real baking sheet, and a generous amount of oil
"Why do you need to wait for a comeback to look great? Who says you need to do what everyone’s doing? If side bangs work for you, go with it”
“Do you know what happened when I made this fancy dinner? Made, mind you, not bought. Yisroel started legit analyzing the ingredients!”
I began working on Rosh Chodesh Adar. Not a moment too soon
“Our father changed the trajectory of his students’ lives. He perceived the greatness in them they could often not yet see, and lifted them to that vision”
“We might want to rethink ‘outlets’ as something optional for children in mainstream yeshivos and begin relating to them as fundamental needs”
I want to tell her: Take this off. It’s terrible
Behind the scenes, do we really practice what we preach? We challenge 4 FF writers to dare to improve their lives
Daas Balabatim You Can Trust