One brief encounter with one of the great poskim of our generation
This soup is packed with flavor and laced with a creamy tomato taste
After sending out a call for new songs, Shmueli listened to hundreds of demos in his quest for the 12 perfect tracks
A soup that eats like a meal is my kinda soup
“Who said their convenience should take precedence over the girls’ convenience?”
The “Ramadan” cease-fire is but one example of the dangers that lurk in too great, and misplaced, sensitivity
A Judaica collector's wine-stained treasures from a lost world
The would-be artist and fresh baal teshuvah was petrified. Did the holy sage mean he should stay away from art?
“I won’t hide my criticism of a vote that gave Hamas hope”
Binyomin Zev absorbed from this the principle of “b’chol derachecha da’eihu” — whatever you do, always have in mind Hashem’s will
I love to embrace how simply we eat on Pesach