
On the Right Derech: Honoring the Eldest Brother


When Raizy’s teacher got engaged to the brother of a girl in her class everyone was so excited! Raizy wanted permission to stay until the very end of the huge engagement party.

“You can stay until ten thirty” said her mother. “Then you must come home. A teacher’s engagement is no reason not to go to school on time the next day. I have to go out but Avrumy’s learning at home tonight and he’ll be there if there’s a problem.” Avrumy was Raizy’s eldest brother and she was glad that he’d be there.

Once at home she read in the kitchen while in the background she could hear Avrumy’s learning. Suddenly Raizy heard noises in the twins’ room. A moment later curly-haired Yanky came into the kitchen Eli right behind him.  At least Libi was sleeping — until there was a wail…


To read the rest of this story please buy this issue of Mishpacha or sign up for a weekly subscription.

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