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Nechama Farkas

The talent behind The Amazing Bubble Show


Nechama Farkas, of Lakewood, New Jersey, is the talent behind The Amazing Bubble Show, a truly magical experience that proves that making people happy is as easy as blowing bubbles. She brings her shows across the Tristate area, entertaining groups of all backgrounds, for everything from summer camps, schools, and birthday parties, to special events for Chanukah, Purim, Lag B’omer, Rosh Chodesh, and more.

How did you get into this unusual profession?

I really don’t know exactly where the idea came from! Years ago, my mother sent a big bubble wand for my children. We started playing with it and having a great time. I wanted to go to the park with the wand, and I ended up asking my husband to come along with us. At the end of the day, I suddenly couldn’t find the wand… or my husband. It turns out he was standing on top of the car, using the wind up there to blow bubbles! I was amazed by how much fun you could have with bubbles.

Also, when I was a young child, I saw a kid in a bubble at a science museum and somehow put the two ideas together. One thing led to the next, and I started performing bubble shows. (Two years ago, my husband began performing shows for boys’ camps, too.) What’s especially amazing is that I was always shy as a kid; I never wanted to perform on stage. Here I am now, performing for hundreds of people. It doesn’t make sense.

What also doesn’t make sense is that before I became an entertainer, my mother would ask, “Why don’t you put on some kind of show?” Years later, I finally asked her why she had encouraged me to perform when I was never a performer.

“I always saw in you that you would be good at it,” she answered. Her belief in me led to me believing in myself. Today I have a parnassah from it.

What makes bubbles so magical?

Bubbles transform any child into a happy child, no matter what’s going on. There’s something addictive and contagious about bubbles — in a good way, of course. When you make a good bubble, you want to do it again and again. You want to see if you can make it bigger or last longer. You want to see if you can pop more next time. You want to push it to another level, experiment with it. Once you start, you just keep going.


Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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