
Money Matters



Money and what it can buy are an unavoidable and inevitable presence in everyone’s life — and teens are no exception. The question is: what do we do with our money and how does that affect us and those around us?

“Why should it be anyone else’s business how I spend my money?” you may object. Well if each of us lived in a sealed bubble you might be right. But like it or not the material standards we choose for ourselves set social norms impact our relationships and affect the attitudes we develop toward money and possessions.


In a new series Teen Pages teams up with Mesila — an organization dedicated to helping people obtain financial stability with educational programs for all ages offered across the globe — to hear the opinions of five real teens on money matters and peer pressure.

M & M: In your opinion are girls really influenced by the standards set by their classmates and friends?

“For sure! It’s normal to want to behave in a way that’s socially acceptable” says Shoshie B. an eighth-grader. “Nobody wants to be different.”

“I think it depends a lot on your attitude” says Naomi A. “I was never one to care so much about living up to other people’s standards. It isn’t my particular challenge. I know that for other girls it’s harder. But the way I see it Hashem chose to give some people more and some people less and the problem starts when kids try to live as if they have their classmate’s allowance. I mean we’re not communists!”

Good point Naomi! People should set their own living standards based on their personal financial capabilities.

M & M: Do you think we should feel responsible for how others are affected by the living standards we set for ourselves?

“Look you can’t ignore the fact that what you do influences others. It’s important to be sensitive to how others may react to the standards that you project. You don’t have to look like a nerd but if you put in a little thought you can dress nicely without being flashy about it.” “Right ” adds Chava S. a tenth-grader. “It’s one thing to look good. But it’s unfair to start a new trend and up the peer pressure for everyone.”

It’s important for all of us to be sensitive to the fact that other people are limited financially. Peer pressure begins with … YOU!

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