For a chassid, being in proximity to the Rebbe during the Yamim Noraim is a source of strength for the entire year. Singer Motty Steinmetz, a Vizhnitzer chassid from Bnei Brak, says that years ago, he volunteered to help organize the seating for the yeshivah bochurim in the Rebbe’s beis medrash — partly so he could be sure of having a good place in the center of the section. But last year, when he came to the beis medrash, he discovered that there was a special place reserved for him. “It was embarrassing. I was seated among the Vizhnitzer rabbanim, next to the prominent members of the beis din, talmidei chachamim, and tzaddikim, whose tefillos most certainly open the most inaccessible gates. It was such a powerful experience. When the congregation cried during Kol Nidrei at the words ‘l’hispallel im haavaryanim — to pray with the transgressors,’ I thanked Hashem for the privilege of davening with the tzaddikim.