

"Captures the anticipation and the wonderment, the relief and the exuberance that we all feel at this pivotal moment"


When I was around eight years old, I remember my older brother packing beautiful costumes and flying to sing with Yigal in Moscow and New York, as well as countless concerts in England. I learned all the words and meanings of the songs. The one that stands out and still definitely makes an impact is “MAREH KOHEIN” (Borchi Nafshi), which I sing every year. I also noticed Yigal’s love and care for each member of the choir. It stood out through the singing, organization, and practice.



Yigal Calek’s “MAREH KOHEIN” (released Tishrei 1971/5732 on Borchi Nafshi) captures the anticipation and the wonderment, the relief and the exuberance that we all feel at this pivotal moment, and that’s why it’s my personal favorite among his numerous classics.

—Yaakov Brown

Jewish Musical Notes, Jerusalem

Mareh Kohein
London School of Jewish Song