
Maoz Tzur for a New Generation

The Maccabi victory marked the triumph of kedushah over tumah the victory of our people’s dedicated spiritual standard-bearers over Hellenist philosophy and way of life. It’s therefore fitting that Acheinu (the kiruv arm of Dirshu) — an organization that reaches out to help Jewish youth fight the pull of those secular values by placing teens in mosdos Torah throughout the country — would celebrate its 20th anniversary with the release of a new version of Maoz Tzur. The tune composed by nasi of Dirshu Rav Dovid Hofstedter has become a popular Chanukah choice. A lilting melody and beautiful harmonies — which somehow connect the listener to the power of the Chanukah lights throughout the generations — lend this song to the ruach of any Chanukah get-together.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha Issue 689)

Maoz Tzur