Knesset Channel
In lockstep with his return to health, Bibi emerged from the political crisis with a reinforced coalition

By Avi Blum, ESQ

“Unfortunately, even most mental health master’s programs do not teach about spousal abuse”

By Mishpacha Readers

From the Top
The correct metaphor for motivating employees is turning a key in the ignition and keeping the gas tank full

By Gvira Milworm

For the Record
In the months following the capture of the Hermon, Aryeh Zur of Beersheva formally established the Golan Ski Club

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer

Professor Jonathan Haidt of NYU’s Stern School of Business has been focused on the destruction of American youth by safetyism and smartphones

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Family First Feature
The hardships, hurdles, and nachas of raising boys as a single mother

By Miriam Bloch