The Rose Report
Netanyahu will ignore the left’s rage, and the demonstrations likely to mark next week’s visit to Israel of Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán

By Binyamin Rose

Washington Wrap
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the newly elected president of Mexico, is determined to set a new course for his country

By Omri Nahmias

Washington Wrap
How will the trade war affect the average American?

By Omri Nahmias

Shul of My Youth
In 1948, for parnassah reasons, my parents moved to Spring Valley, Illinois, a hamlet about 100 miles southwest of Chicago in the center of coal country

By Rabbi Shneur Aisenstark

After years of outreach and Shabbos meals, I realized my guest just wanted the cholent

By C. Saphir

Tech Talk
I know what I’m doing is dangerous and irresponsible, but when push comes to shove and my phone dings, I always give a quick glance

By Aliza Feder

Shared Space
This was different. This was a new game, with new rules, and there weren’t too many people he could ask

By Dov Haller

Normal Like Me
“They just settle themselves down and keep taking. And I don’t like people — or birds — that don’t know their place”

By Ruti Kepler

Inside Israel
Will Putin offer Bibi a choice of Iran deal or quiet borders?

By Eliezer Shulman

Inside Israel
Will Bibi’s failure to pass draft bill trigger Israeli elections?

By Eliezer Shulman

Personal Accounts
In 1951, American Leonard Wisper lay critically injured in a North Korean POW camp. He made a bargain with G-d that if he survived, he’d start keeping mitzvos

By Shlomi Gil

Magazine Feature
Rav Shlomo Tzvi Hersh Taub, son of the Modzhitzer Rebbe, battles for the grave of a holy ancestor sealed under a Polish soccer field

By Shlomi Gil

Know This
The world of everyone else’s preconceived ideas. Why would adoption work for us when nothing else had?

By Nechami Levi

Connect Two
“It just showed me that his behavior is not normal”

By D. Himy, M.S. CCC-SLP and Zivia Reischer