Center Stage
Why, of all days, had Huvy picked today to actually get together with a friend? Her daughter never got together with friends
Map the Starlight
“You unleashed an accusation. I want to know why. What sequence of events do you desire to trigger by involving the Holy Inquisition in your quarrel?”
A Stone’s Throw
“Something happened today and I need your advice. Would I be able to come over to your house and show you something?”
Yes, they are all slowpokes, and if only they would try to speed up a little.... But alas, the real fault lieth in me
Family Tempo
It doesn’t help that I’m having this conversation in my own head. I know my husband would never let me buy something with this sort of justification
For baalei teshuvah, whether it’s their child’s bris, bar mitzvah, or wedding, making simchahs is a coming of age. Yet, like all milestones, getting there isn’t always easy