5 out of 10

By Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

Point of View
More connected than at first glance,A Century of Horror — and Hope,More connected than at first glance

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Text Messages
When Chazal say so, that eclipses all else,Sundown,When Chazal say so, that eclipses all else

By Eytan Kobre

Off the Couch
Not just his personal nachas machine ,Great Expectations,Not just his personal nachas machine

By Jacob L. Freedman MD

Shul with a View
Dov Ber was using Hashem as an excuse,Vote of Thanks,Dov Ber was using Hashem as an excuse

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Until his petirah last week, Rav Dov Yaffe ztz”l offered a piercing understanding of our inner struggles, and for those ...

By Menachem Pines

It started when Rabbi Yisroel Stessel of Monroe was contacted by a Jew from abroad whose relative was incarcerated in a ...

By Riki Goldstein

On Site
On his path to tradition, Michael Weinstein stumbled on his grandfather’s synagogue in Brooklyn. Then he photographed another ...

By Barbara Bensoussan

Map the Starlight
Papa holds up his hand. Stop. “But it is a strange letter, strange indeed, and I want to know if my daughter can ...

By Leah Gebber

“Guess what I did today!”,Today’s Trash,“Guess what I did today!”

By Faigy Peritzman

Washington Wrap
Riding a wave of Democratic victories, Nancy Pelosi sees a new day dawning,Washington Wrap: Waiver or Not,Riding a wave of ...

By Omri Nahmias

A Few Minutes With
Education and Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali appeared at the Israeli American Council (IAC) conference in Washington, D.C., l ...

By Omri Nahmias

Oneg Shabbos
The Hungarian army drafted young Jews to fight alongside the Axis powers in their invasion of the USSR. Could a chassid ...

By Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman

News Feature
Entangled by eruv bans, New Jersey towns Mahwah and Jackson face their day in court,Dividing Line,Entangled by eruv bans, ...

By Avi Lerman