Summer Job
“He’d never understood his father-in-law, how a grown man can be happy making a living from organizing punchball games, as ...

By Dov Haller

Point of View
Why did Hashem have to count the Jewish People?

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Understanding the Six Day War can wake us up

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Text Messages
Controversies over conversion and kashrus,

By Eytan Kobre

Voice in the Crowd
Rabbi Wolpin‘s message packaged for a new generation

By Yisroel Besser

Your Money and Your Life
Are e-mail blasts and mailings a waste of time?

By R.C. Steif

Shul with a View
Despite the tension, Tzvi’s kids saw him keep the peace

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Personal Accounts
It has been so many years since 1967 that it’s impossible to imagine the immensity of the turnabout that took place ...

By Mishpacha Contributors

Learning Curve
Baby — hungry — Oh. That lingering feeling of wellbeing from her brief sleep dissipated, as something hard and cold clu ...

By Gila Arnold

No soul is lost, no matter how distant

By Faigy Peritzman

Words Unspoken
You’re out of town, but close to my heart,

By Anonymous

Magazine Feature
No overview of what’s changed in Israel since the Six Day War would be complete without a discussion of how the sett ...

By Mishpacha Contributors

A Few Minutes With
Mishpacha speaks with mayor of Efrat and chief foreign envoy for the Yesha Council

By Binyamin Rose

There’s a certain honesty, a candidness when you haven’t met someone. Almost like telling your story to a stranger on a ...

By Esther Kurtz