It was how Rav Mordechai Berg delivered his message that was different, the love for his balabatim in each word and ...

By Yisroel Besser

Personal Accounts
Martial artists Boaz Barr and David Djaoui are helping citizens in Jewish communities around the world fend off terror att ...

By Sarah Pardes

Jewish Geography
New administration an opportunity, not a wishing well

By Binyamin Rose

Jewish Geography
Ambassador-designate to Israel claims Trump has great respect for AIPAC

By Jacob Kornbluh

Jewish Geography
How will Israel deal with changing Bedouin residents’ issues?

By Ariel Ben Solomon

Oneg Shabbos
In his dream, he saw himself ailing and weak, while the news spread throughout the city that the Rav was in grave ...

By Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman

For her and my father, who had grown up in an anti-Semitic communist environment, my leanings toward frumkeit were a dangerous return to the shtetl

By C. Saphir

Text Messages
How Beinish Mandel, z”l, built himself into a gadol

By Eytan Kobre

Shul with a View
“Don’t mean to scare you, but aren’t you Jewish?”,Eggs Over Easy,“Don’t mean to scare you, but aren’t you Jewish?”

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Magazine Feature
Whether creating upscale layette sets in Peru, fundraising for an international nonprofit organization, or smoothing the process ...

By Barbara Bensoussan

My mother smiled lightly. “How much is it?” The question sounded nonchalant, but only almost. I heard the catch in her ...

By Esty Heller

Family Reflections
Fight the instinct to focus on bad behavior,

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Family Reflections
Ignoring responsibility means there’s always a price to pay

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe


By Faigy Peritzman