Point of View
The hearts of rulers are really in Hashem’s hands

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

The deplorables heard your contempt and disdain

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Text Messages
The “Kobre ’16 Presidential Campaign

By Eytan Kobre

10 Questions
Hashgacha at the international kosher food show

By Rachel Bachrach

Shul with a View
Larry, who didn’t want grandchildren

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Magazine Feature
Since the lone-wolf intifada hit Israel last year, security forces all over the country are on high alert, yet the Bord ...

By Eliezer Shulman

Rav Rafael Baruch Toledano had a vision for the young boys of Meknes, Morocco, stemming assimilation, and opening worldwide ...

By Menachem Pines

Magazine Feature
Israel’s famous Mizrachi quadruplets have made headlines for 18 years. Now in yeshivah gedolah, they reflect on being one ...

By Hadas Afik