Jewish Geography
One Giant Leap for Trump,“In the end, they’ll get their 15 minutes of fame and they’ll get behind Trump because they ...

By Binyamin Rose

Magazine Feature
Over four days, Americans witnessed a Republican convention like no other in history. Takeaways, analysis, and impressions from ...

By Binyamin Rose and Yisroel Besser

Magazine Feature
Little did Rav Mordechai Goldstein, founder of Diaspora Yeshiva, know he would be creating a teshuvah revolution and rebuildi ...

By Shlomi Gil

Point of View
Pinchas Syndrome,“First of all, throwing stones is absolutely assur in and of itself, in addition to the risk of killing ...

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Once, small-town America was mocked by the intelligentsia for its narrow-minded conformity. But today the university campuses ar ...

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Text Messages
Cruz Control,And when the nominee’s delegates howled at those words, egged on by the nominee’s people, Cruz had elicited a ...

By Eytan Kobre

Ah, commitment! When it is lacking, nothing stands a chance of success, but when it is present, nothing stands in its ...

By Rabbi Henoch Plotnik

Jewish Geography
Both parties diverged in dealing with maverick candidates

By Binyamin Rose

Match Quest
Am I setting her up for a lifetime of pressure?,

By Sara Eisemann

Second Thoughts
Transcendental bumper sticker wake-up call?

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Magazine Feature
She’s got ruach! She’s got spunk! She’s the one who decides your bunk! And trips. And activities. And basically everything ...

By Rachel Bachrach

Free Fall
Harry Cohn comes to Moe’s rescue when a drunken GI attacks him while they are on leave. Abe and Annie have their ...

By Miriam Stark Zakon

Mothers are never on vacation,

By Miriam Aflalo

Mind Your Business
Gain exposure and credibility by writing a blog

By Naomi Elbinger