Point of View
We came to the funeral of Esti Weinstein z”l in order to see her evil, coldhearted family, and we ended up seeing ...

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Where that sense of being rooted in a particular people becomes lost, so too does all national strength.

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Text Messages
This is the “Middle East peace” strain of a malady known clinically as Delusional Liberal Utopianism. Its symptoms include ...

By Eytan Kobre

Shul with a View
“We’ve never met before, but this is strange…”,Meeting Expectations,“I know you’re from Israel and we’ve never met before, bu ...

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Day in the Life
A skyscraper and your dream house all start with the right design

By Rachel Bachrach

Dr. Alan Kadish, president of Touro College and University System, contends that success is contingent on what you know an ...

By Binyamin Rose

In one of the last interviews before his passing, Elie Wiesel shared his own tortured reflections.

By Barbara Bensoussan

Twenty-two years after the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s passing, and half a century removed from the penniless, orphaned war refugee, ...

By Aryeh Ehrlich and Yossi Elituv

You’d think a girl would at least try to pretend she’s sweet and wonderful when talking to a shadchan, but Bracha’s ...

By Esther Neiman

Learning Curve
Aviva mentions that they’re looking for a secretary, and her husband, whose own business is lackluster, offers to take on ...

By Gila Arnold

Hosting Shabbos guests is a quintessential Jewish trait going all the way back to Avraham Avinu, but what about the cou ...

By Esther Teichtal

I was so unqualified for this job that I didn’t even know to turn it down

By C. Saphir

Remembering the Bostoner Rebbe of Beit Shemesh

By Rabbi Mattis Goldberg

Bedrock of Belief
Knowing Hashem’s omniscience shapes our relationship

By Mrs. Shani Mendlowitz