She couldn’t believe it. Her little sister was not so little anymore. And also… she wasn’t so newly married anymore

By Ariella Schiller

Magazine Feature
Hungary’s Rabbi Shlomo Koves built a full-service kehillah from skeletons of the past

By Yisrael Yoskovitz

Magazine Feature
Why is Ari Rosenfeld, the cyber expert who tried to get a hot Hamas document onto Bibi's desk, still in prison? 

By Yaacov Lipszyc

The Beat
Every year, prominent public figures are prepared to put their credibility on the line by forecasting the future

By Y. Davis

The Current
The event was noteworthy for drawing together Dirshu attendees from all over Europe, and from all streams

By Mishpacha Staff

The Current
“The Republican Party will use its best efforts to eliminate Daylight Savings Time”

By Rafael Hoffman

The Current
The toothy, friendly smile belied those steely blue eyes

By Binyamin Rose

The Rose Report
Why is Trump trifling with small fry? Is it part of his grand strategy to make America great again?

By Binyamin Rose

The Hamas pogrom made two things clear: Israel was in the fight of its life against Iran, and Bibi’s legacy was in tatters

By Gedalia Guttentag

A Better You
As a healthy, functioning adult, the only approval you truly need is yours and Hashem’s

By Family First Contributors

Living Room
A fitness routine is incomplete without strength training

By Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz

“Mmm. . .” he said, picking up his glass of water and taking a long swallow. “That’s really good”

By Lori Holzman Schwartz

Family First Serial
“This guy sounds like a piece of work.” Warner leans back in his seat. “You think he was some kind of Russian spy?”

By Bashie Lisker

“Don’t expect my children, grandchildren, or any of my descendants to ever forget their Land”

By Faigy Peritzman