Magazine Feature
Rav Avraham Shmulevitz, scion of Mir royalty, left a generation of students whose rebbi was always on their side

By Shmuel Botnick

Magazine Feature
 He thought terrorism meant freedom until the real oppressors showed up

By Yisrael Hershkowitz

Inside Israel
Many experts suggest that the Israeli Air Force’s bombardment was intended for a broader audience than the Houthis

By Yaakov Lipszyc

Elections 2024
With 100 days to go can the Democrats regroup and recoup? Four experts assess the coming Trump-Harris clash

By Mishpacha Contributors

Elections 2024
Kamala Harris, 5 things to know

By Gedalia Guttentag

Elections 2024
Binyamin Rose's takes on an energized GOP

By Binyamin Rose

Double Take
I know her mother died, but she’s literally my lifeline—and she just left me hanging

By Rochel Samet

Mission. Each and every one of us, wherever we are, is a soldier with a singular purpose and mission

By Sivan Rahav-Meir


By Chef Suzie Gornish


By Brynie Greisman

The Beat
What happened? What can be done? What does this mean for the future of cybersecurity?

By Y. Davis

The Moment
To thank Hashem, Who had soaked the grounds in preparation for this very day

By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz

Cut ‘n Paste
My family and I are still reeling — although we’ve seen many miracles over the past few months

By Rochel Burstyn

He's still creating incredible summer memories for thousands of boys and girls

By Riki Goldstein