Magazine Feature
World-class trial lawyer Michael Schwartz attributes his success to the Ultimate Judge

By Yael Schuster

Magazine Feature
Jews in the American Civil War

By Pearl Herzog

Halls of Power
November swing states; here's what to watch

By Maury Litwack

The Rose Report
Is America's softened tone a sign that Bibi has folded?

By Binyamin Rose

What is representative of America today — the hate spewing on campuses and elsewhere, or the unsolicited, heartfelt comments I receive? 

By Rabbi Hillel Goldberg

For millions of people across Europe and America... the proper response to the slaughter of Jews is apparently to belittle it

By Gedalia Guttentag

Knesset Channel
A narrow right-wing government should be able to last through the summer session

By Avi Blum, ESQ

Eye on Europe
Keir Starmer looks set to enter Downing Street — is his party de-Corbynized?

By Y. Davis

A Few Minutes With
Too much daylight between Israel and Washington

By Gedalia Guttentag

20 Questions for 20 Years
For 13 years, CHANIE NAYMAN has edited Family Table
The clearest finding was: Strong relationships keep us healthier and happier

By Yonoson Rosenblum

In Sights
Rav Aharon responded, “Is it possible to sit down while talking to Rav Moshe Feinstein?”

By Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg

True Account
Desperate to save them, a trauma therapist stayed on the line for 12 hours until help arrived

By Rabbi Nachman Seltzer

Family First Inbox
“I imagine many readers were baffled by Miriam’s story, the woman who purchased an American Girl doll”

By Family First Readers