Magazine Feature
At Har Sinai, all of Bnei Yisrael experienced prophecy. Yet Chazal enumerate the attributes a navi must possess, and it ...

By Yehuda Frank

Magazine Feature
The dimensions of space and time appeared to have little sway within the confines of the Mishkan and the Beis Hamikdash. This seeming violation of the laws of physics can be expla ...

By Rabbi Eli Katz

Magazine Feature
In addition to the Torah prohibition against verbal abuse of one’s fellow Jews there are specific commandments prohibiting verbal mistreatment of a convert. An exploration of the ...

By Rabbi Moshe Hubner

Point of View
The 48 ways to acquire Torah make room for wisdom.

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Second Thoughts
Pretending to work hard isn’t hard work

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Text Messages
Every day can be a true zeman matan Toraseinu,

By Eytan Kobre