Magazine Feature
As he readies for this year’s 100th Agudah Convention, Rabbi Naftali Miller shares his unlikely story
It never ceases to amaze me that I can put off anything from placing my meat order at the butcher to starting to clean for Pesach
Washington Wrap
The US and Europe have poured tens of billions into military aid for Ukraine, but how long can this pipeline continue?
Family Diary
“It’s at 2:30 on Friday. But it’s fine. Just have your house and food completely ready, and come in your Shabbos clothing”
By Nechama Norman with Batsheva Berman
The Current
MK Simcha Rothman wants the Knesset to reassert its primacy over the Supreme Court, and hand power back to the people
A person must recognize Hashem’s involvement in his daily life, not only when extraordinary events occur