Jr. Feature
Busting rumors during World War ll

By Sivi Sekula

Jolly Solly
The amusement park canceled the booking. They have some health and safety issues

By R. Atkins

Story Time
You’re being taken to die, boy. If you were smart, you would have run for it while I was sleeping

By Y. Bromberg

Sometimes, she looks around the classroom and wonders how everyone else gets it

By Rochel Samet

Teen Diary Serial
“Welcome to Europe, Farah,” the woman said kindly

By Chaya Basra

Building Dreams
I myself being lifted off the floor and ever so gently carried through the building

By Malka Grunhaus

The Moment
Where does the yetzer hara get you on Shavuos?

By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz

The Current
After a year of Arab-Israeli violence, an intelligence figure says that only massive resources can fight the sector’s growing extremism

By Yisrael Yoskovitch

Second Thoughts
I tried to point out — probably without success — the basic irrationality of anti-Jewish prejudice

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman