Jr. Feature
Why isn’t the keyboard just in alphabetical order? Or some other order that makes sense?

By Tzivia MacLeod

Hidden Heroes
"You can be happy even if you’re different, and you can still experience incredible simchas chayim even if you’re not perfectly healthy"

By Chaya Rosen

Diary Serial
Devora looks hurt. Whoops, I hadn’t realized she was still standing there

By Rena Wieder

Story Time
Rav Shmuel handed his student a small paper. “If he casts a spell, and I am unable to respond, focus on the holy Names written here”

By Y. Bromberg

Out of the Woods
And then Mr. Shine and Rabbi Stark together leaped forward and tackled the Boss

By Rochel Samet

Alarm bells. What is Kayla going to do now, while the whole class is watching?

By Rochel Samet

On your Mark
Cutting-edge tech meets gedolim portraits  

By Elisheva Appel

Follow Me
She dialed again. She sent him a text. Are you coming? We’re stuck here in the tea room, I need your help

By Esty Heller

Magazine Feature
Safety First: What can you do to help a trauma victim find hope and healing?

By Mishpacha Contributors

I got the impression he was wondering if I’d even realized that he’d come home late

By Risa Rotman

The Explainer
2022 in 5 conflicts

By Omri Nahmias

Don't let your after blessings be an afterthought

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt