Jr. Feature
How were antibiotics discovered? Who were the people involved in developing this world-changing, lifesaving medication? Let’s find out

By Chaya Rosen

Story Time
“I’m sorry to bother you in middle of the day like this, but I’ve come to plead with you,” Reb Yisroel began

By Y. Bromberg

For some of us, having a parent from a foreign country means that his English is choppy and broken

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Jolly Solly
He’s a great friend of mine, and I think the world of him — but what does he know about sick parrots?”

By R. Atkins

Double Dance
I thought Ta likes him to be homeschooled. What made him decide to send him?”

By Bracha Rosman

Diary Serial
Soon, inevitably, I will be part of the afar I came from. But I can make my life into something that matters — by connecting to You

By Avigayil Bloom

Teen Serial
“You must be Tamar, ” the woman said, her smile so huge and fake Tamar wanted to scrape it off her face

By Malka Grunhaus

Family First Feature
Uncharted landscape. Shifting roles. Chaos and upheaval. Through it all, Shabbos was their anchor. Six Stories

By Mishpacha Contributors

Family Tempo
She can’t seem to find her voice — but now her son needs it

By Devorie Kreiman

On Motzaei Shabbos prior to C-Day, I made a Master List that rivaled all the lists I’ve ever made

By Raizy Friedman

There are two types of baalei chesed

By Faigy Peritzman

Know This
I never know what will happen in the future. Will I stay stable? Will I become manic?

By Elisheva Markowitz

Magazine Feature
Newly released from prison, Mordechai Samet relives the pain, guilt, and gratitude: “Don’t play games. Don’t get to where I did”

By Aryeh Ehrlich and Eliyahu Ackerman