Magazine Feature
While it might look like there’s nothing much there, what you’re looking at is actually a teeming, thriving community
By Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod
Jolly Solly
“I don’t understand what all the fuss is about,” Mr. Faigelbaum protested. “Efraim can’t possibly come along on this trip. It’s to the middle of nowhere”
Win or Lose
Mr. Greenbaum is laughing, Yitzi thought to himself. How can this be? I’ve never, ever seen him look the slightest bit happy
Teen Fiction
When I reached the door to the stairs, I found it was closed. Not only that, but it was locked, and we did not have the key
Bricks and Ladders
Rachel Ahuva,” Lani says, “the girls already love you, they’ve already accepted you. They want to come to your house because you invited them”
Bentzi and the Mystery in the Museum