Magazine Feature
The National Spelling Bee is held every year. In 2018, about 11 million kids took part in local contests

By Yisrael Rutman

Jolly Solly
I’m not wasting a single second on spelling,” declared Fishel. “Who cares how a word is spelled? As long as you can read it, it’s good enough”

By R. Atkins

Story Time
“Because it’s dangerous to sail the Queen Elizabeth and I don’t want to hear about your death the next time you leave for another voyage”

By Yehuda Bromberg

I understand that she wants to tell me something. I stroke her hand and force myself to be patient as she struggles to form words

By Tovy Mann

Bentzi and the Mystery in the Museum
Next the movers started taking out cardboard boxes. “Is that all the furniture?” wondered Batya. “I’m telling you, it must be a really small family!”

By Shifra Glick

The song that brought together two worlds of Jewish Music.

By Riki Goldstein

Second Thoughts
These cannot both be done effectively at the same time

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

5 to 9
I was proud to be “that guy with the yarmulke”

By Moe Mernick

The two sides of a life lived with emunah

By Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger

Text Messages
The hypocrisy of YAFFED’s assertion is breathtaking

By Eytan Kobre

The old rule — “no enemies on the left” — still applies

By Yonoson Rosenblum