These piquant and juicy roasted mushrooms served with flavorful spinach-potato croquettes will definitely do the job!

By Chavi Feldman

Savory, not sweet, not overly flaky, and definitely not graham cracker-y. It turned out to be perfect!

By Michal Frischman

Point of View
I wish I knew your name so I could daven for you

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Magazine Feature
Dr. Terry Wahls, diagnosed with MS, created a special diet that got her walking again. How the Wahls Protocol works, why it does, and who it can help

By Zivia Reischer

The Money Trap
Planning for retirement requires a spot-on ability to predict the future. Or for those of us without a crystal ball, careful planning and researched decisions

By Gila Arnold

Global View
New Jerusalem embassy location breaks fresh diplomatic ground

By Gershon Burstyn