When I casually mentioned a Dodgers game, his entire face lit up. Not just his eyes — his whole face

By Seema Gersten

Magazine Feature
Rabbi Avrum Yitzchok Kahan helps others perform the rare mitzvah of shiluach hakein and fill their lives with blessing

By Yael Schuster

Diary Serial
Feelings are a package deal — avoiding the hard ones means giving up the chance to feel the amazing ones

By Rachel Burnham with Bassi Gruen

The Current
Egypt is rearming heavily — how worried should Israel be?

By Kobi Borenstein

I’m hoping this is a tantrum-free confetti-day, not a thundercloud one

By Roizy Baum

Knesset Channel
Veteran envoy Gilad Erdan on Bibi's D.C. trip

By Avi Blum, ESQ