The dramatic changes in my lifetime have come not only in the realm of technology, but also in attitudes

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Knowing and Growing
A tree isn’t trying to achieve; it simply wants to grow. That should be the focus of a Jew’s life

By Rabbi Reuven Leuchter

Family First Feature
When your siblings are ten, fifteen, or more years older (or younger) than you, it’s an entirely different experience

By Rivki Silver

On your Mark
Chaplain and grief counselor Tamar Stein brings hope and compassion to patients and families, easing the fear of final transitions

By Shoshana Gross

The Next Chapter
Like a geological formation, there are layers and layers of sentimental strata among my clutter

By Ahava Ehrenpreis

Magazine Feature
Why is Ari Rosenfeld, the cyber expert who tried to get a hot Hamas document onto Bibi's desk, still in prison? 

By Yaacov Lipszyc