
By Chaya Surie Goldberger and Sima Kazarnovsky


By Brynie Greisman and Chani Nayman and Chaya Suri Leitner and Faigy Grossman and Michal Frischman and Miriam (Pascal) Cohen and Rivky Kleinman and Sima Kazarnovsky

Rav Elefant had not come to America from Jerusalem to deliver a report, but to issue a “call to action”

By Yonoson Rosenblum

In tribute to Rav Gershon Neumann ztz”l

By Shmuel Botnick

“Akiva, I’ve been thinking….” She trailed off in a way that had Akiva suspecting he was not going to love the next few words

By Ariella Schiller

Quick Q
You feel a little resentment starting to brew as you tread back and forth to the kitchen
Magazine Feature
For eight hours straight on Simchas Torah morning, Kibbutz Alumim's emergency response team fought off dozens of terrorists

By Shlomo Copperman

The Geulah can only come about when there’s true achdus among all of Klal Yisrael

By Faigy Peritzman