
By Dining In and Rorie Weisberg

bite the budget

By Elisheva Frankel

The Beat
Fortunately, the US vetoed the Security Council resolution for a cease-fire in Gaza, and the IDF operation is still underway

By Yaakov Lipszyc

“What we do know is that everything Hashem does is for the good. How is it good? That we cannot comprehend”

By Faigy Peritzman

Knesset Channel
As Gaza fighting grinds on, politicians eye the day after

By Avi Blum, ESQ

Know This
If a chubby girl wears a tight shirt, she won’t be seen as the same girl again. Please… never forget what I just said

By Estie Mann

Software Savvy
As a company grows, sticking with Excel is more hindrance than help

By Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman

Cozey Feature
How do you spend your winter Motzaei Shabbos?

By Ariella Schiller