Washington Wrap
Could Putin possibly have planned it any better?

By Omri Nahmias

Born a Catholic but now a prominent member of the frum community in Portland, Oregon, Judge Rick Haselton has spent a lifetime climbing legal and spiritual ladders

By Eytan Kobre

When veteran songwriter Yossi Green partnered with children’s choir arranger Moishy Kraus, no one was more surprised than Yossi himself how people everywhere were enchanted

By Malky Lowinger

Bricks and Ladders
As I step over the threshold into my new classroom, I’m certain I’ve just altered my life forever. I just don’t know if it’s for better or worse

By Ariella Schiller

Teen Fiction
I wasn’t mean. I just didn’t go out of my way to be nice. The truth was that they made me somewhat nervous

By N. Brunner

“Meir!” Abba’s voice shatters my concentration. I blink and look around in confusion. “Meir,” he whispers, “It’s your turn to speak. Go to the stand.”

By Tovy Mann