Family First Feature
It turns out there is a recipe for popularity — and you can teach your kids these skills

By Rachel Atkins

A Better You
Emotional eating isn’t about lack of discipline; it’s often a nervous system response

By Family First Contributors

Family First Inbox
“End-of-life doulas are mostly lay people who want to make a difference”

By Family First Readers

To Be Honest
As hard as it is, try to focus on the future. Then make the choices that will get you there

By Rivka Gold

Living Room
Walking is one of the most popular and accessible exercises out there

By Family First Contributors

How could we tell Savta that her beloved budgie had gone missing?

By Sari Weiss

Family First Serial
“This is destroying you!” Ezra doesn’t budge, doesn’t back down, and Rivi can feel her heart racing

By Bashie Lisker

Family First Serial
Amram turned to her. “By the way, Leebie, I invited Yehudis and Sruly for supper tomorrow”

By Esty Heller

Ask Rabbi Greenwald
You as parents might have to clarify in your own minds what the main points are that you want to convey

By Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald

The secret of our survival in exile is Beis Yisrael — the Jewish household

By Faigy Peritzman

Words Unspoken
I’ve seen the pattern. When you see a girl slipping, nebach, you’re suddenly nice

By Anonymous

Imperial Moment
The new president has a Day One pen — here’s how he’ll wield it

By Rafael Hoffman

Imperial Moment
Many of President-elect Donald Trump’s former implacable foes have started singing a new tune

By Yitzchok Landa

A Few Minutes With
Shurat HaDin warns IDF soldiers they could be arrested abroad 

By Yaacov Lipszyc