Family First Feature
Despite a life laced with hardship, Perela Widenbaum never stopped believing in blessing

By Rivka Streicher

A Better You
The precursor to being dan l’chaf zechus might be curiosity

By Family First Contributors

Family First Inbox
“Every day I ask Hashem to please let me accept the fact that it’s okay to age and that aging is a beautiful process”

By Family First Readers

Family Living
Tips & tricks for making your money stretch further

By Family First Contributors

Dinner Diaries
Family First reader Shoshana Friedman shares her kid-friendly, health-minded meals

By Riki Goldstein

Living Room
Understanding how your body uses energy during exercise can help you make that decision

By Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz

I had a ring and a sheitel — and the weight that was still at the forefront of my mind

By Goldie Marks

Or how will all involved parties know how to prepare for this event?

By Miri Lederman

Face to Face
After an elevated prayer, we ask Him to help elevate our speech

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Magazine Feature
The abduction and murder of Chabad shaliach Zvi Kogan Hy”d in the UAE has opened a slew of unanswered questions

By Mishpacha Contributors

Halls of Power
There are three distinct camps that are wrestling over control of the Democratic Party, over the future

By Maury Litwack

The Rose Report
What are the likely repercussions of the ICC’s decision to request arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu?

By Binyamin Rose

“You are not failing at adulthood, even though you have not yet managed to buy and renovate a house”

By Mishpacha Readers

Second Thoughts
This is one takeaway from the election: Whatever his flaws, the authentic defeated the inauthentic

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman